It imports, edits in real time, and exports quickly due the engine and codecs which is developed by Grass valley. It will not impose constraints, nor tie you to a specific kind of video. You can mix formats, resolutions and frame-rates in the same timeline and the same project in real time. It is also best finishing tool for studio programs, as well as corporate, documentary, and 4K theatrical productions. EDIUS 8 Serial number is the perfect finishing tool for broadcast news and newsmagazine content.
EDIUS Pro 8 means more resolutions, unlimited tracks, and real-time editing for the ability to Edit Anything, Anywhere. Its simple EDIUS Pro 8 is the fastest and most versatile real time editing software. EDIUS 8 Serial key also includes lots of basic features for newbies, and these will give your videos a polished and expert look, as if they were made by skillful and experienced personnel.
The free version allows you to take advantage of this powerful program for free before you purchase the full version. This is software that will give your movie a professional look. You can edit your videos in a professional way in very easy and simple steps.
Edius 8 is the Latest version of Edius, which is the best and well known video editing software.